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Light-Foot Cream 150ml
    • Caffeine visibly decreases feet swelling;
    • Menthol increases blood circulation for light feeling in your feet;
    • Silky, non-sticky texture is suitable for massage. 
    • Gives immediate relief to tired legs and reduces swelling
    • Caffeine boosts blood and lymphatic circulation and helps to whisk away excess moisture and fat from the cells, smoothing the skin and reducing leg swelling;
    • Menthol improves microcirculation and provides a cooling sensation that reduces swelling and makes the feet feel light.


    • Silky and nourishing texture is suitable for massage, at the same time leaving no sticky residue.
    • Suitable for diabetics.



    Apply the cream and gently massage for 1 minute from the foot to the knee, upwards until the product has absorbed completely. For daily use.








Light-Foot Cream 150ml

SKU: Light-Foot Cream 150ml

Skin Care Boom

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